Business Process Management (BPM) has evolved to the next level, it has now become an integral part of the software development process. Can a software company sustain without making BPM a part of their project management practice? Will it help clients’ to easily understand the process intricacies and help improve process effectiveness? Will BPM play a vital role in a success or failure of
It’s been a tough journey for Oracle Corporation in addressing cyber security vulnerabilities, Java 8 is out (a new java update, which was rolled out in the beginning of 2014). Securing data exchanges between systems is a huge concern. Public key encryptions are widely used, but they are broken and even at full strength, most forms of encryption are vulnerable to data capture. However, there are still
Deciding to move or upgrade an organization’s existing software / system can be a very crucial decision for any CIO. There are inherent risks that are involved in application modernization or application migration, as it is widely known as. When deciding to shift to a new platform or initiate a technology upgrade, the CIO and his team are under intense scrutiny, they need to