Open source consulting firms can help lay out a plan for your business’ systems. See how this benefits for your system administrators. A growing trend in content management has been the implementation of open source technologies, for a variety of reasons that lend it a better solution than pre-made applications. And open source consulting firms offer a great way to take advantage of every
Learn how the right BPM consulting service can help position your business for greater digital maturity—and profitability. What’s the key to becoming at least 25% more profitable than your competitors? A study of nearly 400 large businesses (with revenues of at least $1 billion), published in 2012 by multinational management experts Capgemini, found the answer is “digital maturity.” A digitally mature business is one
Are any (or all) of these three commonly held misconceptions about enterprise mobility holding your company back? Learn the truth and move forward with mobile solutions! As a savvy IT professional, you know your company will benefit from adopting both outward- and inward-facing mobility services as part of your business strategy. But do you need help changing minds in the C-suite? We’ve heard a
As today’s marketplace increasingly goes mobile, consulting firms that provide mobile technology solutions must appreciate some key insights. The trend is dramatic and irreversible: Desktop computing continues to decline (from 90% to 60% in just three years) while mobile computing continues to climb (at 40% and higher). It’s a profound shift with serious implications for how business is done in the 21st century. As
The IT field stands still for no business. Be certain the company handling your IT staffing needs knows about and is prepared to reckon with these three urgent issues. Heading into the home stretch of 2016, information technology experts are able to identify several trends that have shaped the year in IT staffing. Three of them seem particularly pressing. These developments aren’t outliers or