Google has launched Beta version of Android Q with new features and behaviors giving emphasized focus on privacy and security enhancements. Android Q which would be released in August, supports foldable devices, new APIs for Wi-Fi connectivity, Telephony, Camera, etc. Among all the new features, considering the importance of data privacy in the coming years, Google has specifically addressed them in this release. With
What is Deep Linking in Mobile Apps? Deep Linking is a concept that helps the users to navigate between the outside digital world and specific activity in the mobile application via an intent filter system. To put it more precisely, deep links are URLs that help users navigate directly to the specific content in applications. Here’s what the outside digital world comprises of: Website
The Bonita Platform has Microsoft SQL Server connector which will only execute DML commands from the Java layer. However, this connector does not support the procedure calls. The idea behind curating this blog is to help Bonita developers overcome the issues faced with procedure call execution. To begin with, we have created one custom connector for Microsoft SQL Server Database 2008. This connector will
Your inside sales team needs are covered right with a CRM by their side. But what about the needs of those unsung heroes who spend most of their time outside the comfort of the office. Don’t they deserve some empowerment or a magical mobile app development technology to make their work a tad bit easier? They do, right? Digitizing the tedious and erroneous work
For most conventional websites, entire pages are loaded and reloaded continuously which cause a slowdown, resulting in frustrating user experience and unnecessary strain on the server. Single Page Applications, however, quickly solve this problem by only loading small entities of a webpage at a time. They do it by decreasing the server load and increasing the site speed for better user experience. Developed by