Over the past decade, clinical trials have notoriously become plagued by problematic protocols, missed enrollment targets, and an unsettling level of redundancy and rework. Only about a third of drugs that enter clinical testing ever progress to large-scale phase III studies and success rate could decline further if healthcare reform moves up the norm for proving value over therapeutic alternatives. Life sciences companies forced
Stakeholder analysis is the first milestone in the process of the UX lifecycle for any product or service. As said that Experience design is not only the responsibility of the UX designer, but it is the teamwork. Stakeholder is also the important key player to achieve the UX goals. The information provided by him/her as very important to inline the direction of the ux
Introduction Bonita is an open-source platform for automating business processes. Bonita Studio (IDE) contains all the elements needed to develop the processes. It is a graphical environment for creating processes, applications, data models, and user’s views (pages and forms). The Bonita IDE is built on top of the well-known development environment eclipse. This blog explains how a Bonita case can be created upon receiving