What It Takes To Be A “Triple Threat” Among Oracle Consulting Firms

When it comes to making the most of your company’s Oracle investment, you want to ensure your consulting firm is “the total package.” An entertainer who is a “triple threat” excels as an actor, dancer and singer. Casting directors covet triple threats because these performers can do anything a given production demands and make it look easy. They are, as an old theater saying

Why Your Business Must Consider Java Application Development

When your enterprise is developing internal or external applications, it can’t afford to ignore Java, the world’s most popular computer programming language. Since its introduction in 1995, Java has become, arguably, the most popular computer programming language in the world.   Java boasted a 52% market share in 2015. Globally, 9 million developers use Java. Java runs on 7 billion devices worldwide. As of

A Microsoft CRM Consultant Guide to Bettering Your Business Communications

Looking for ways to improve your customer relations? This Microsoft CRM consultant guide tells you how! When your business starts expanding, it’s time to move on from the standard forms of client communication and data compilation. The industry standard high-end softwares are perfect for integrating into pre-existing internal databases. Our Microsoft CRM consultant guide trains you on the knowledge and insight brought by the

How Will Your Oracle Consultant Help You Use Oracle EBS?

Oracle EBS isn’t a single tool but several, and an Oracle consultant can help you customize this suite of solutions to your business’s maximum advantage. It’s easy to see why thousands of customers across all industries – manufacturing, automotive, health sciences, entertainment, retail, food and beverage and services – are using Oracle E-Business Suite (EBS). With more than 75 different software applications to choose

Visualizing Data Using SharePoint and Google Charts

Globally, business executives rely extensively on data and analytics for decision making. With the tremendous amount of data that is being churned out by individuals, businesses, systems etc., it is becoming increasingly complex for executives to make business sense from the enormous data that is at their disposal. Further, data alone is normally not useful to the decision makers unless it is analyzed, interpreted,

Managing Your System – How Oracle Consulting Companies Can Help Your Business

Oracle consulting companies are worth every penny for preparing management systems. See how they can help! Hiring a third-party consult agency is a major assistance for those starting to deal with higher-end management tech. According to Plunkett Research, the consulting industry, which includes Oracle consulting companies, expects global industry revenues of $470 billion, up $31 billion from the previous year. This consistent upswing is

How Evoke’s Oracle Consulting Services Help You Work Business Magic

In ancient Delphi, the Oracle—a priestess who inhaled mysterious vapors and uttered cryptic sayings—drew pilgrims from around the Mediterranean. Powerful and humble people alike made no major decision without consulting the Oracle. They believed she lived at the world’s center, and her magic wisdom was not to be ignored. In today’s marketplace, no companies consult mystic soothsayers (or if they do, they don’t admit

Selenium Framework for URL Based API Testing

In order to provide effective and efficient software testing services, IT enterprises globally are implementing various automation solutions. At Evoke, we have been actively offering automation solutions for numerous customer engagements across multiple industry verticals. Our team is constantly developing new and innovative approaches for test automation utilizing Selenium framework, thereby helping enterprises to improve their service quality and reduce costs. As part of this

Useful Guidelines to Improve Responsive Design Testing

A responsive web design involves creating a flexible web page that is accessible from any device, starting from a mobile phone to a tablet. Furthermore, a responsive web design improves users’ browsing experience. Considering this from a quality assurance perspective, a responsive web design requires thorough evaluation using a variety of devices before it is ready to go live. Software testers may find it