The blood donation drive, which was conducted at Evoke’s, Hyderabad office received an enthusiastic response from its employees. A large number of employees were seen waiting in queues to donate their blood for this noble cause. Speaking about the blood donation drive, Mr. Ramesh Mantana, Director HR at Evoke said: “we’re extremely happy to be a part of such an initiative and associate with Thalassemia and Sickle Cell society that works tirelessly for such a worthy cause.” Evoke’s CSR team thanked each and every participant for taking an active part in the event. Here are some pictures from the blood donation drive.Each year Evoke’s CSR team conducts multiple activities for the larger good of society. The CSR team’s core focus areas remain healthcare, education, environment, etc. In the coming weeks, Evoke’s CSR team is planning to invite a team from the ‘Autism Research & Multidisciplinary School (ARMS)’ to showcase and sell handmade Diwali goodies (Diya’s, Greeting Cards, Chocolates, Paper Bags, etc.) created by specially-abled kids from the institute. We will keep you posted with updates from this event.

About Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Society

Thalassemia and Sickle Cell Society is a voluntary organization established in 1998. It is the only place in Telangana & Andhra Pradesh having Transfusion Centre attached with a Blood Bank to provide free Blood and Blood Transfusion for more than 1200 Thalassemia affected kids each month. They are committed to controlling Thalassemia and relentlessly focused towards this cause.

About Evoke

  • Evoke Diwali celebrations
  • Evoke Diwali celebrations
  • Evoke Diwali celebrations